Wednesday, February 1, 2012

“豆豉” 应该怎么读?



1. 人还是要多跟有文化的人在一起,最少最少可以少读白字。
2. 当周遭环境不是最好的时候,文章、书籍、字典、工具书等等是破除无知、提升自我素养和能力的利器。

If one goes to work for a company whose the most major client is Canada Post, does it mean that he's lost his marbles?

Because it seems inevitable that the company, which mainly serves Canada Post, will have a big downsizing and shake-up down the road, at least.

Service companies provide services to customers, and then get commissions in return. Product companies offer products to clients, and then get payments back.

Ideally, it should always be mutual support and mutual respect between a biz and its customers. Of course, the reality always has different variations of that principle.

For the nonce of freedom of choosing, people have to bear the hassles of selecting and trying out different choices.