Saturday, January 22, 2011

Excerpt - 所謂「國際觀」,就是在這種不斷的漣漪「波及」中逐漸累積見識

談臺灣的「國際化」危機 ─ 龍應台女士






- Excerpted from the web in around 2008
- Recycled in 2011

Vintage music video - 齐秦 - 不必勉强

Lyrics copied from :
作詞:陳昇 作曲:李柏

在每個分手道別的地方 總留一些紛亂的腳印 誰不曾徘徊過 不曾留戀過 將思念藏在未知的重逢裡 在一個淒清寒涼的夜裡 含著眼淚我默默離開你 千言和萬語 無從說起 只有靜待傷痛的痊癒 *離開你不容易 想念你不得已 如果你真在意 不必勉強你自己 我不怪你 日記裡太擁擠 只要輕輕把我抹去 在好多好多翻滾的夜裡 我在夢中輕輕呼喚你 想你的笑容 想你的身影 把思念化做蒼白的回憶 每一個淒美愛情故事裡 總有令人傷痛的際遇 不能不想你 不能忘記你 將思念藏在未知的重逢裡 

Rock and roll from Taiwan. Held especially dear by me. Love it immensely.

Sometimes girls love to squeak.

Traffic is gibbering in a lot of Chinese cities.

Lots of headaches.

On every news website or TV program you turn to,

there is a lot of mentioning of Twitter and Facebook. Heed that, my friend.

Without being involved in life struggles, artists don't thrive.

Microblogging services, e.g. Twitter, have come of age.

Before seeing the 1997 movie Titanic,

I hadn't known that the historic Titanic steamship tragedy was the biggest shipwreck at the beginning of the 20th century.

Just how closed we average Chinese children were to the outside world.

Twitter and the likes are considered to be microblogging service,

while Facebook and so on social networking service.

I feel that on average, stripped off monetary issues,

women cast their ideals into their lovers and their offspring, while men cast their ideals into their own enterprises and / or into women.

Gee. There are so many distinct types of drinkware in the Western world.

(Picture via

Rocks glass (a.k.a. old fashioned glass and lowball glass), table-glass, wine glass, shot glass, highball glass; mug, coffee cup; and on and on.

Personally I'm fond of rocks glass, table-glass, and mug. :-)