Monday, November 15, 2010

Bay Street of the U.S.A. (Part 3)

(Image from

Ombudsmen never have actual power over me
Because they must be impartial all the time
And I always design my financial products
Very slyly and preempt any loss on my side

Facebook vs. Google

It just dawned that Facebook would pretty soon inaugurate its own email services, which particular move could result in Facebook wresting even more users from Google. And strangely, that wreaked a puny flutter of panic in me. I went and ferreted out an old post of mine which advocated against using Facebook too much. From this day forward, I will personally keep tabs on the competition of Facebook versus Google, which is for sure going to unroll splendid showdowns.

Below is my old entry that appeared in June 2008:

My position is anti-FaceBook. Period. Twitter is a better alternative. Here goes some excerpt from How to Avoid Wasting Time on Facebook - wikiHow:
Some people love to use Facebook to keep in touch with friends. However, Facebook seems to be set up to try to draw you in and spend (waste) more time there, and to get your friends to spend more time there. If you just want to use it to keep in touch with people, renew contact with old friends, and just maybe do some networking, here are some ways to avoid wasting too much time.

The feeling of words failing me

From time to time, I have the feeling that words fail me. One day when waterfowl fluttered gracefully over a lake, wanting to express that, I lost my words. And one day I spoke with a friend, trying to thoroughly and holistically display my points of view, and my utterance twisted.