Saturday, February 19, 2011

In the beginning of the 2000's, a career in Shanghai looked very promising for a person from elsewhere in China.

Each private entity and organization operates on his or their own terms.

公開課(Open Courses,例如 Open Yale Courses)和通識教育(liberal education)是不同的。

In the American education system, a student goes rather slowly to begin with, say, in elementary school and high school, in general.

Then the real deal comes in university and graduate school.

At first, I for one thought the almighty Google was invulnerable.

It appears that the retirement of Bill Gates from Microsoft marked the beginning of the end of the software empire.

At the beginning of a person's life, everything looks interestingly fresh.

It appears that a portion of the Chinese population is becoming increasingly not on good terms with Western countries, deep in their minds.

Comparative Religion, a field of Religious Studies, looks intriguing to me.

It seems that the larger proportion of all the existing mainstream religions and the mainstream branches of them were deemed more or less impious when they started out in the beginning. Examples include Christianity, Zionism, and so on.

I wonder how the fasting tradition in Arab countries came into being.

On a somewhat related note, the Arab populations apparently can fast once in a while, but not forever. That's why the steep rise of foodstuff prices largely wreaked the current political upheavals in the Arab nations to erupt.

Academia is an industry.

The Chrome browser's relatively larger memory footprint

The arrangement of each tab as a separate process in the Chrome browser costs more memory. For example, with the same other software processes and programs running on the side, a logged in iGoogle page and 5 other regular web pages, 6 tabs in total, consume roughly 1242M on my Windows XP machine.

By contrast, each tab in Firefox is just a distinct thread in the big Firefox process. In Firefox, 6 logged in iGoogle pages, whose total memory consumption should be around 1242M as presented above, with the same other processes and programs running. However, the actual total memory cost is just 875M.

Google Translate 讓人笑瘋掉 - “输入“有情人终成眷属”,给出的英文翻译是“Money talks””

google翻译最懂中国文化!所谓的#有情人终成眷属#在当下的中国实际上是“有钱能使鬼推磨”。在google翻译输入“有情人终成眷属”,给出的英文翻译是“Money talks”。在google翻译输入“Money talks”给出的中文结果是“有钱能使鬼推磨”。 
2月18日 13:53 来自新浪微博
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很明顯,Google Translate 已經成為中國人的每月笑點來源之一。

In terms of marketing, Justin Bieber's manager has done a great job.