Wednesday, February 23, 2011

強烈推薦豆瓣電台的安卓 (Android) 手機客戶端。

In fact and in effect, a relatively unsophisticated education I had gotten in the nanny-state of China has wreaked my ignorance.

Nevertheless, it provides where I started going.

Independence means going from one platform to another better one discreetly.

Discreet inquiries tend to be going on everyday.

Have the corpses of state-owned companies in China been already largely eaten up?

The F5 key on Windows keyboard doesn't change a web page's URL to its default value at all.

It's deeply rooted in human beings' conscience to see how a certain thing stacks up against its peers.

Oh, the Chrome browser's lovely.

The popularity of various web gadgets has become largely determined by the Chinese consumers.

Some so-called tech articles from big companies are just elephant dung.

Hectic living is our rampant malady.