Saturday, July 16, 2011

Don't let popular entertainment drain you of your precious time. Will ya?

Given the finiteness of human beings' life spans, higher education or advanced education is not always an unmitigated good for all individuals.

Boy, in some moments, I really love living in Montreal.

Being sophisticated and eclectic means acknowledging many elements and letting them to mitigate and balance each other. Being doctrinaire means the opposite.

Ideals are best when they are balanced by pragmatism. And vice versa.

Canadians below the age 45 sleep for around 6 or 7 hours per day, on average. At any rate, people don't get enough sleep because there's too much information that costs their time to consume in their daily life.

J's slippers squeak against the kitchen floor during these humid summer days.

Maybe the media and entertainment industries in the U.S. have bred too many groundlings in the world.

In household finance, being illiquid is Okay once in a while, but being insolvent, especially in your late forties or older ages, is just not good at all.