Friday, August 5, 2011

Pigs squeal when they are in fear. Pigs are smart animals.

Driven by desire

The electric fan extorts artificial breezes from the summer air
The baby is gibber-jabbering and speaking "eye" and "hair"
You say life is too hard and most of times unfair
and why the biting flying mosquitoes always dare

Even the proverbial hand pointing to the moon is hard to see sometimes.

Against the backdrop of the lack of modern science, the ancient Roman people associated the sun with a god named "Phoebus" (a.k.a. "Apollo" in Greek mythology).

Well, science is a newly found layer of human beings' cognition of the universe, from the human society development perspective.

In addition, it's said that Phoebus drives around in his chariot. Well, why doesn't he fly about instead, like other gods? Because the sun is too heavy for a god to carry around?

Far things stand as beacons and metrics. Blended together with pragmatism, they also make the road underneath.

In many stores in Montreal, there are little packs of tamarind balls brand-named as "Chappie's Treats". The main customers of that product are women and girls, I suppose.

A quite smart brand name it is.