Tuesday, July 26, 2011

民眾的 “兔死狐悲” 的心理驅動

此次 7.23 溫州動車追尾事故,死幾十人,傷數百人(據目前的政府公佈數據),引起了中國人的公憤。另一方面,中國的煤礦礦難常常也死亡數十人,ms往往不能引起如此大幅度的公憤。為什麼?

我猜測,客觀地講,驅動此次關於 7.23 溫州動車追尾事故的大幅度公憤的主要力量是一種 “兔死狐悲” 的心理,也就是這種事故有可能找上任何一個人;而煤礦礦難卻沒那種可能,有多少人會下井採煤?

There are so myriad people who constantly parse the stock market. It's too much of a good thing. Beside predicting and speculating, you also need to build.

The Chrome app of Personal Blocklist by Google is a policing act to filter out unworthy content farms on the web, I suppose. Well, since my daily Google searches normally don't encounter that kind of content farms, I don't need to keep it installed in my Chrome browser.

I guess that many women think that crooking a finger at a man works. You can see that in a lot of movies.

My baby daughter was squealing with excitement, scrambling on the couch.