Saturday, September 10, 2011

What one spends time on badges what sort of person he's going to become.

I haven't seen yet a piece of information which can fully account for the stellar rise and valuation of Facebook.

For a man, the life debts he incurred in his wasted times can sneak up on him and wreak him into a regretful state.

So, it's advisable for a man to establish himself by the age of 45 or so.

I don't understand why the systems of law and accounting, well, especially that of law, are designed to be so esoteric and complicated.

Do those systems do more harm than good? Have they actually increased the business costs a lot than the case in which much simpler systems would be in place?

People nowadays are bound to educate themselves for lifelong term. But what will they learn over that long period?

I'm afraid that the predominant phenomenon of information overload strangles our thinking time.