Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I don't know. Certain parts of the Western Europe seem to have been paragons of elegance.

No wonder Americans always like to learn European languages.

Now that Facebook has vanquished most consumers' favor,

how long is it going to retain them?

Sometimes bunglers tend to have bigger ambitions than professionals do, because the latter have more experience of this rule: reality checks.

(Picture from

I for one don't know and can't fathom how much pretense and humbug financiers put on, even when they are dealing with people's retirement money.

And, as for those so-called "financial advisors", many of them merely are SALESMEN of financial products. Their "ADVICES" you take not, my friend.

I haven't been closely following the reporting on the causes of the current financial crisis.

Has there been a cogent explanation beside the sub-prime mortgages?

Do you want to become a maven?

What do frayed jeans indicate?

Stuff worn by time and your own activities can be claimed as solely yours. Of course, you can expend extra dollars and buy that pair of frayed or ripped denim off the shelf.

I wonder if Mr. Bill Clinton's reputation was really scraped by his Lewinsky scandal.

He still seems to be all influential in American political scene.

How many foreign secret emissaries are there in Canada? And how many ones are in each country?

(Image from

Espionage, especially industrial espionage, has never really ceased its existence since the end of the Cold War, I heard.

Humble succor shines glorious humanity.

Dogs gnaw bones

Dogs gnaw bones
Cats smell fish
Humans look for things heartfelt