Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The imposing European style buildings in old Shanghai speak of many things and deep history.

I guess finance jobs are few and far between in the U.S. and Canada. Why do some people still want to get in the door for monetary gains?

The New York Times is for highbrow readers.

Does the Canadian government carefully study the data of immigration, both in and out, when it decides to increase imposts?

Mandala (曼陀羅) & 大圓滿法門

Mandala (a word in English), 曼陀羅。佛教、印度教都有曼陀羅;作為佛教裡很特別的分支,藏密、唐密當然也有曼陀羅。


On a related note, Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist, also wrote an influential book, Mandala Symbolism, which was published in 1972 by the Princeton University Press. See .

Maybe I have some complex feelings towards the ignorance of mine which is exposed by my knowledge.

A person's good nature should be accompanied by something else so that it's not easy for other persons to impose on it.

After spending some time staring at Firefox windows, when I get back to Chrome, wow, so slick!

I always can't really understand the Christian saying "Love your enemy".

Vintage music video - 萬水千山總是情

Lyrics copied from

汪明荃 - 萬水千山總是情
作曲:顧家輝 / 作詞:鄧偉雄 

P.S. 我驚艷於這首歌歌詞的情懷,便搜索了一下作詞人的簡介。果然是大高手的作品。鄧偉雄,饒宗頤的女婿,曾為香港電視界黃金編劇。請看香港中文大學網站上的簡介:新傳校友 >>  特寫 >>  鄧偉雄。Excerpt (請海涵我的順手複製,中大。:-) ):


Montreal is sort of my airhead.

Will Canada's governments at all levels have to impose significantly heavier taxes?

What is particular with the science and technology sector of France? That nation seems to be really quite powerful in that sphere, actually.

The imposts in Quebec have grown heavier and they will likely be continuing to do so in the long term.

A myriad of parents of Chinese descent, either in China or overseas, tend to impose their own will upon their children.

They are creative. They are meticulous. They are scientific. And they are laboursome.

That is one of the right kinds of educated American individuals.