Friday, December 31, 2010

Article via web - India, Russia mark decade of strategic ties with Medvedev visit

You can take a gander at this report from CNN: India, Russia mark decade of strategic ties with Medvedev visit.


"Russia is a time-tested friend of India that has stood by us in our times of need in the past. Ours is a special and privileged strategic partnership. It is a partnership that has and will continue to develop independent of our relations with other countries," Singh remarked.
The two nations forged a strategic partnership in 2000 and have since been holding summits every year.

A person's intellectual depth and emotional depth tend to be correlated, I suppose.

(Image via

And I only have become aware of that possibility lately.

Nowadays, so many Chinese adopt a very very Westernized image on the internet.

Stratagems need studying, because they are disliked.

Take a peek at this article at the NYT: Crisis Panel to Probe Window-Dressing at Banks.

My experience with brought home to me the relevance and potential of SNS.

For years, Google has been insinuating itself to surrogate and surpass Microsoft.

Certainly it has succeeded exceedingly. Next, I want to see how it will or will not stave off the pertinent threats of Facebook and Twitter and the likes. I guess, that pretty much is the the first thing in the morning on many Google executives' minds.

North Korea seems to be so isolated a sovereignty that no intercession on behalf of it has been publicly made.

That, looks so surreal.

So many businesses have been undone, or undermined, by their own being lax about morality.