Thursday, February 10, 2011


不管你每個星期花費在英文上的時間是多少,一定要注意有一個系統性的模樣,即:你每個星期在聽、說、讀、寫、vocabulary 等五個方面都得花時間,各方面的比例會因個人的實際情況不同而有不同百分比的分配,8% 等等。原因是那五個方面相輔相成、互相養育。則你的學力、能力的養成,可以邁上踏實前進之一途。




Unknown shore

(Image from

He was cast by sea waves on an unknown shore
Birds swarmed and swooned in cacophony
As if fain expostulating with each other

He walked and saw and thought
This would be a known shore in years

A company's employees must abide by the decisions of the company.

Digital assets are consequential.

“黑夜給了我黑色的眼睛,我卻用它尋找光明。” - 顧城詩作《一代人》

兩個名詞“運作”和“運營”在 Google Translate 上的英文翻譯都是 "operations"。

它們的動詞的英文翻譯呢?沒查過。我個人比較喜歡 "run" 的說。




電影《艋舺》中的黑幫殺戮和仇殺 - “擒賊先擒王”。

Should the favicon be rendered on every single web page in a user session?

In software programs and web services, up to how many characters can a text field receive?

The stress testing of must be imperfect.


In Mathematics, the dread Lebesgue integration, which is named after the French mathematician Henri Lebesgue and is much more dreadful than the Riemann integration, looks interesting.

Integral Riemann-Darboux's integration (in blue) and Lebesgue integration (in red).

Zionism, the very powerful Jewish political movement, is very intriguing.

And relatedly, the Christian Zionism is also very interesting.