Thursday, November 18, 2010

Viral video - "He'll never be a real Canadian"

Interesting keywords: Canada-born Asian, racism, identity, racialization, remonstrance.

It can be consuming for an individual to deal with his or her internal struggles with self identity.

Canada is a reading country

As I've realized and discovered over the years, Canada is a reading country. Be it books, newspapers, websites, blogs, Canadians read them all and read, and read. After all, this state is evolving into a knowledge economy. Well, the other day, it turned out there's one more book for Canadian people to peruse. The recent announcement of the Giller Prize winner has wreaked a flurry of media exposure and then a flurry of people's purchasing the winning book "The Sentimentalists". Gee.


In public two nations wrestle
Take a friction and run with it
Their state machines hustle
With pendulous tactics with-it

Invisible power from one another to wrest
Debate, intercept, and ambush with zest
People like to fill themselves with delusion
Serendipity mostly let them find resolution