Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm positive that some people won't succeed, and some other will.

This thought may make people slightly out of sorts. An employee doesn't own the job. Instead, he just occupies it, according to the mutual consent of the employer and the employee.

Is the almost fire-sale prices of labor going to last long?

In terms of philanthropic engagement, the rich in the U.S. whop their counterpart in China.

什麼是高階人力? 博士學位擁有者就是嗎?

產業界、商界、和 知識界 的標準是不一樣的。

Love your friends? Some people's feelings don't tend that perfect way.

Sometimes people tend to brood over things whose importance gets blown out of proportion in their own minds, which makes them pennywise yet pound-foolish.

Why would someone challenge the pious Muslim people by burning Quran? That's not a wise revenge, even looking from the burners' side.

科舉文化氛圍下的歷代中國讀書人,大都是用青春來 買櫝還珠。我不要也和他們一樣,做一個 還珠樓主。盡量用年華來買一些 學問和 know-how 的珠 吧。