Friday, October 7, 2011

This seems to be an innate illness of capitalism finance.

The problem with Wall Street and other financial firms is that they want to be paid princely to provide the liquidity of financial capital, which is very essential to capitalism, but they want to wash their hands of keeping that liquidity going all the time, that means, in bad times. But that liquidity must be kept going ALL THE TIME.

Apparently, European cities possess more embellishments than their North American counterparts. A long history matters.

Let's hope Wall Street will eventually be invaded and occupied by regulations and laws which are better than the current ones.

Also see Confronting the Malefactors by Dr. Paul Krugman.

It seems kind middle-aged matrons possess some shared distinct flairs, be they Chinese or Canadian.

In a tablet market in which iPads have dominated and Android, as well as Windows Phone 7, devices have been slowly climbing in market shares, the rebellious Kindle Fire by Amazon, which is of 7" form factor, will possibly quickly rise up.

See .

Interestingly, the preposition 'like' sometimes serves in similes, sometimes not.

'He runs like the wind' is a simile. And 'he looks like his mom' is just a resemblance.

Freedom is a deep concept. Creative freedom too.