Sunday, May 1, 2011

Not capitalized are the English words denoting subject matters (or branches of study, to put it another way), such as economics, mathematics, and sociology.

However, on the other hand, capitalized are the words denoting human and computer languages, such as Latin, Italian, Greek, and Perl.

And I don't know why.

In most cases, ignorance doesn't excruciate an individual, but poverty does. In much rarer cases, the opposite stands true.

The interrogational processes of the police must be specially designed not to violate the law but to help the police' investigative work effectively.

Well, maybe many university graduates in Canada and China leave their alma mater for the real world with insufficiently trained critical thinking skills.

And, boy, they leave for the working world, intentions awry.

The past a few days had experienced excruciatingly humid weather in Montreal. Had this city been in Southeastern Asia or somewhere? Gee.

"List, list, O list!" My life will be more and more on the internet, even.