Thursday, June 2, 2011

The recent weather in Montreal has been so atypically humid.

Having done my share of English reading and writing, I've developed my own taste in and eye for English.

Baby canteens look so lovely in general. Gee.

Who doesn't like to be inspired by the beautified immensely modern look of Shanghai?



1. “三月裡的小雨,淅淅瀝瀝下個不停”是台灣歌曲嗎?

2. 台灣屬於哪個氣候帶?

3. 中國陸地跨越亞熱帶、暖溫帶等等多個氣候帶。

4. "April showers bring May flowers" 是英國還是美國的 idiom?

5. 中國農曆的三月大致上對應於公曆的四月。


1. 在豆瓣上,居然搜索不到關於“胡椒粉”的烹調書。
2. 白胡椒粉居然屬於辣味作料。

This thought has come to my mind and stricken me -- many, if not most, journalistic articles are just ephemeral, even those published on NYT.