Sunday, December 12, 2010

Twitter, Facebook, and Google Reader are three powerful vehicles for people's information streams.

How individuals' own information streams evolve will be quite intriguing to look at.

Keywords: Information stream, filter, discovery, limited time, limited attention.

I miss the rain dropping off roof gutters in my childhood hometown.

The rain and chains of feelings flowed off myriad gutters into rivers of no return.

Information overload over individuals is part of the Zeitgeist.

One must discern over what information to read and what not to. According to what sort of criteria or standards is he able to do that best?

Vial (Part 2)

Some competitors will have some secret bile
But bad luck is not for them a good alibi
I have put in my numerous hours and paid my due
Anyone can see that in my log file

Blogging has become passe for the better part of the people that have ever tried it out, I suspect.

Facebook, Twitter and other social networks serve them and their lives a lot better.