This blog is partly devoted to the sharing of my learning of the English language (my well mastered mother tongue is Chinese and I am not an English teacher) and its *cultures*, partly to the current significant trends in Canada and in the world, and partly to my own random thoughts and little life. I am not religious, but I am somewhat interested in Christianity and Buddhism, among other personal interests. Welcome. And, have a good day.
Monday, February 21, 2011
For us the native speakers of Chinese, English learning is our overload.
On the other hand, English learning is also our opportunity.
DOD, the United States Department of Defense.
DOD "is the U.S. federal department allocated the largest level of budgetary resources and charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the government relating directly to national security and the United States armed forces. The Department of Defense is an evolution of the Department of War."
The DoD is the major tenant of The Pentagon building near Washington, D.C., and has three main components—the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
- Excerpted from
Notes for myself:
1. 朱光潛(1897年-1986年),「安徽省桐城縣人,北京大學教授。」
2. 安徽桐城,「清朝著名的文學流派「桐城派」即產生於此」,據稱「現在的桐城依然文風鼎盛,經濟活躍。」
Notes for myself:
1. 朱光潛(1897年-1986年),「安徽省桐城縣人,北京大學教授。」
朱氏自幼接受父親嚴格的私塾教育,奠定其中國古典文學的基礎,中學就讀於桐城中學,熟讀桐城古文及唐、宋詩。1918年至1922年,就讀於香港大學,期間受胡適五四白話文學運動影響,毅然決定放棄古文和文言文,改寫白話文。 香港大學畢業後,先後於吳淞中國公學及浙江白馬湖春暉中學教書,因而結識朱自清、夏丏尊、豐子愷、葉聖陶等好友。後來決定離開春暉中學到上海成立立達學園,提出教育獨立自由的宣言,並一方面籌辦開明書局(出版作品皆以中學生為對象的出版社)。 1925年,考取公費留英,到愛丁堡大學選修英國文學、哲學、心理學等,畢業後至倫敦大學學院聽莎士比亞課程,同時又在巴黎大學註冊,對研究西方哲學、藝術美學、心理學產生濃厚興趣,在1933年獲得法國斯特拉斯堡大學博士學位。1933年回國,先後於北京大學、四川大學、武漢大學任教。 1949年以後,一直擔任北京大學教授,居住於燕東園27號。其美學思想曾數度遭受批判,文化大革命時被指控為「反動學術權威」,遭到抄家、鬥爭,並被剝奪執譯者的權利。
- Excerpted from
2. 安徽桐城,「清朝著名的文學流派「桐城派」即產生於此」,據稱「現在的桐城依然文風鼎盛,經濟活躍。」
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