Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I think that in terms of the amount of care our baby daughter needs, 5, 15, and 20 months of age mark the turning points. After each of those points, the amount of care she demands decreases significantly than before.

Now she's about 21 months old, and she still commands lots of being taken care of. Now you know the first 5 months following her birth were hell for my wife and me. But I've never regretted it.

Libraries in Montreal need to be repurposed.

People read far less physical books now.

Some young men panhandle unapologetically in public places. Are they mentally ill or something?

European manor houses look really historical.

See .

I feel Facebook is a little too authoritative. I mean it's a little overbearing.

Rank seems to be the percentage of Canadians who live pay cheque by pay cheque.

The "O" glyph of the Opera browser feels quite sleek.