Thursday, January 6, 2011

How come many hip hop songs' lyrics tend to be a little raunchy?

Anyway, freedom of expression in artistic activities.

This global economy seems to be cobbled in times of crises.

How come so many mavens work in and contribute to the U.S.?

Indeed, the United States of America is blessed.

During tempestuous periods, patience and constancy might be the most powerful helpers.




At my level of English proficiency, perusing The Economist is still an uphill scraping.

The major reason behind that is that I lack the sufficiently cosmopolitan knowledge about Europe, Latin America, world politics, culture, European languages, and so on, which many people in this world in fact possess.

Anyway, all's well that ends well.


(Picture from

Aftertaste is what distinguishes first-tier and second-tier coffee for the most part, say, Starbucks' "Caffè Verona" and Nabob's "Traditional".

Analogously, is aftertaste what discriminates good work and bad work? Also, is it what differentiates a good life led by a man and a not-so-good life?


The countability and uncountability of English nouns are arid.

Under the seemingly calm faces in Canada, how many people are just scraping a living in this era which gets an earful of "financial crisis" and "debt crisis"?

Frictions fray people's nerves.