Friday, December 3, 2010

Anticipating drastic changes of the societial and familial roles of women vis-a-vis men

It seems very likely that women and men are going to experience an extended period of drastically profound but sometimes subtle changes in their expected relative societal roles and familial roles, in the light of the upcoming knowledge economy.

Popular free online movie - "Serendipity"

Some people like it quite a lot: YouTube - SERENDIPITY PART 1.

English fluency vis-a-vis English proficiency

If you are a Chinese, then you probably know that Chinese fluency does not equal to Chinese proficiency. And, in a similar sense, English fluency is not the same thing as English proficiency.

Nuptial flee

The clan is in a long practiced bustle
For the patriarchally arranged nuptials
It is like a bitter potion you hate
So you choose the route of fleeing

If individual will were not flushed down
By that of super power familial figures
Elopes would not be a worn theme in old movies
You used to watch in those atmospheric nights