Friday, February 18, 2011

In a democratic country, whenever the ruling party drops the ball, the opposition parties will bark real quick. :-)

Comparing with his peers in other Western countries, the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is a laughingstock. How come such a man became the Prime Minister of Italy?

However, his custom behaviors must have something to do with the pervasive culture of people consuming beautiful women in Italy, I guess.


In political terms, Canada seems to be not quite influential on the world and regional stages.


Excerpted from

In the Anglo-Saxon countries, such as the U.S. and Canada, tradition seems to always be able to come to terms with modernity.

That, contrasts with the situations in many many other countries.

When we're looking at a computer screen, the volume and arrangement of spaces in various program windows seem to be important to our user experience.

In general, WASPs are actually so poignantly Anglophile. :-)

At the same time, they are also profoundly fond of Paris.

Some very capable individuals speak in quite soft terms.

Some old people tend to be obstinate.

Financing, e.g. auto financing and house mortgages, provides flexibility of payment terms, at a price, for consumers.

I love European movies, e.g. the French ones.

Music video - Brahms - Hungarian Dance No.1

I seem to like Turkish stuff.