Saturday, November 1, 2014

There is a Punjab State in India, and there is a Punjab Province in Pakistan.

And they have got the same main language, Punjabi.

The greater Punjab region is the historic homeland of the Sikhs. Unsuprisinly, Sikhs' main language is Punjabi. Take note that the Sikh people have a total population of 27 million globally.

For starters, the Sikh people have the following characterics which interest me particularly:

1. Kesh

In Sikhism, Kesh (sometimes Kes) is the practice of allowing one's hair to grow naturally as a symbol of respect for the perfection of God's creation.

And that naturally involves head hair, as well as body hair.

In modern times the trend of short hair has encroached upon this tradition; in some parts of Punjab, it is estimated that 80% of Sikh youths have cut their hair. Reasons include simple convenience — avoiding the daily combing and tying — as well as social pressures from the mainstream culture to look like everyone else.

Nonetheless, you can take a look at the following old news (no oxymoron intended, :-) :
The Sikh woman who stood up to online abuse about her facial hair

2. Kacchera

See .

3. Kirpan

See .

The Punjab is the wealthiest Indian state per capita, with the average Punjabi income three times the national average.

Can you see a way for Microsoft to claw back its desktop market share?

With laying off employees in large chunks, is it on the right track?