Saturday, February 5, 2011

The consequences of social networking services are writ large on the face of the forthcoming years.

People will use them more and more to find information.

Is immigration to overseas a go for more and more businesspersons in China?

Jobs not allowing for career advancement tend to not retain workers.

Globalization has swelled the ranks of futureless people in the U.S. and Canada, as it were.

In Economics, the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility is "the central hypothesis of" the Utility Theory, which often gets criticized by some economists.

However, I have found it a powerful concept.

The accelerating pace of paradigm shift, which is pestering, costs us very much time and too much time.

我現在還不需要入 tablet.

One or more pragmatic ideals are among the best life companions of a boy then a man.

If you are using Internet Explorer, you might want to consider to switch to Firefox, or even better, Google's Chrome browser.

(Image from