(Pic from http://goo.gl/i96fZ)
This blog is partly devoted to the sharing of my learning of the English language (my well mastered mother tongue is Chinese and I am not an English teacher) and its *cultures*, partly to the current significant trends in Canada and in the world, and partly to my own random thoughts and little life. I am not religious, but I am somewhat interested in Christianity and Buddhism, among other personal interests. Welcome. And, have a good day.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wow. Canada's population is around 5 times of that of Libya. That makes me proud. :-)
Man, Canada even is the 36th most populous country in the world! Well, I guess that the gigantic number of the population of China, which was my home country, has blindfolded me so that I haven't been able to appreciate the fact that Canada is actually a relatively populous nation on the Earth. Well.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Well, it's said that New Zealand is very prone to earthquakes. Is the long term situation over there worse than in Japan?
People should consider to gradually move out of there.
Human beings really are prone to indiscretions.
A man must ask himself, "what sort of man do you want to be?"
Trade and diplomatic accords among countries are typically the tips of the iceberg.
What are the real underneath forces of them?
Saturday, February 26, 2011
It's up to every individual to use his discretion in deciding how to expend his time.
Man, that's actually an enormous responsibility, in certain senses.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Many negotiations and organizing take place discreetly, in every single significant country's political landscape.
For instance, Canada seems to have been working hard to have give and take with the Organization of American States.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Music video - 情人劫 - 老狼
Lyrics copied from http://goo.gl/Lp4NH and then corrected by me:
作曲:郁冬 作词:郁冬
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
In fact and in effect, a relatively unsophisticated education I had gotten in the nanny-state of China has wreaked my ignorance.
Nevertheless, it provides where I started going.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Hmm. I like the generally unobtrusive melody of female Japanese singers.
That's right. Sweet unobtrusiveness and melody.
Widespread internet gaming addiction among the young population is such a malady in Eastern Asian countries such as South Korea and China. It's been reported that a 30-year-old man died immediately after a straight 3-day online gaming session in the Beijing area lately.
(Pic from http://goo.gl/uHzH2)
At the same time, it seems that the severity of the addiction among North America's young people is not as bad as in Eastern Asia. Why?
Monday, February 21, 2011
For us the native speakers of Chinese, English learning is our overload.
On the other hand, English learning is also our opportunity.
DOD, the United States Department of Defense.
DOD "is the U.S. federal department allocated the largest level of budgetary resources and charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the government relating directly to national security and the United States armed forces. The Department of Defense is an evolution of the Department of War."
The DoD is the major tenant of The Pentagon building near Washington, D.C., and has three main components—the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
- Excerpted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Defense
Notes for myself:
1. 朱光潛(1897年-1986年),「安徽省桐城縣人,北京大學教授。」
2. 安徽桐城,「清朝著名的文學流派「桐城派」即產生於此」,據稱「現在的桐城依然文風鼎盛,經濟活躍。」
Notes for myself:
1. 朱光潛(1897年-1986年),「安徽省桐城縣人,北京大學教授。」
朱氏自幼接受父親嚴格的私塾教育,奠定其中國古典文學的基礎,中學就讀於桐城中學,熟讀桐城古文及唐、宋詩。1918年至1922年,就讀於香港大學,期間受胡適五四白話文學運動影響,毅然決定放棄古文和文言文,改寫白話文。 香港大學畢業後,先後於吳淞中國公學及浙江白馬湖春暉中學教書,因而結識朱自清、夏丏尊、豐子愷、葉聖陶等好友。後來決定離開春暉中學到上海成立立達學園,提出教育獨立自由的宣言,並一方面籌辦開明書局(出版作品皆以中學生為對象的出版社)。 1925年,考取公費留英,到愛丁堡大學選修英國文學、哲學、心理學等,畢業後至倫敦大學學院聽莎士比亞課程,同時又在巴黎大學註冊,對研究西方哲學、藝術美學、心理學產生濃厚興趣,在1933年獲得法國斯特拉斯堡大學博士學位。1933年回國,先後於北京大學、四川大學、武漢大學任教。 1949年以後,一直擔任北京大學教授,居住於燕東園27號。其美學思想曾數度遭受批判,文化大革命時被指控為「反動學術權威」,遭到抄家、鬥爭,並被剝奪執譯者的權利。
- Excerpted from http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E6%9C%B1%E5%85%89%E6%BD%9C
2. 安徽桐城,「清朝著名的文學流派「桐城派」即產生於此」,據稱「現在的桐城依然文風鼎盛,經濟活躍。」
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Vintage music video - Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal (Live 1992 Dangerous Tour)
Michael Jackson, one of the best miming dancers ever, King of Pop!
The Chrome browser vs. Firefox
PROS of Chrome in comparison with Firefox:
CONS of Chrome in comparison with Firefox:
- Prettiness: Chrome > Firefox
- Viewing space: C > F
- Integration with Google's own web services: C > F
- User friendliness of web store: C > F
- Average modernity and user friendliness of third party extensions / add-ons: C > F
- Startup time: C < F
CONS of Chrome in comparison with Firefox:
- Memory cost: Chrome > Firefox
- Their own icon images: C < F
- Web page favicon rendering: C < F
Atheists tend to be relatively unfortified, especially during times of great tests.
Disclaimer: I have been an atheist.
日本佛教頭兩大宗派 - 真宗、日蓮法華宗(a.k.a. 日蓮宗)
- Excerpted from 《中華百科全書》線上版, which is made by 台灣的文化大學(全稱為中國文化大學,位處台北市,私立大學)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
I wonder how the fasting tradition in Arab countries came into being.
On a somewhat related note, the Arab populations apparently can fast once in a while, but not forever. That's why the steep rise of foodstuff prices largely wreaked the current political upheavals in the Arab nations to erupt.
The Chrome browser's relatively larger memory footprint
The arrangement of each tab as a separate process in the Chrome browser costs more memory. For example, with the same other software processes and programs running on the side, a logged in iGoogle page and 5 other regular web pages, 6 tabs in total, consume roughly 1242M on my Windows XP machine.
By contrast, each tab in Firefox is just a distinct thread in the big Firefox process. In Firefox, 6 logged in iGoogle pages, whose total memory consumption should be around 1242M as presented above, with the same other processes and programs running. However, the actual total memory cost is just 875M.
By contrast, each tab in Firefox is just a distinct thread in the big Firefox process. In Firefox, 6 logged in iGoogle pages, whose total memory consumption should be around 1242M as presented above, with the same other processes and programs running. However, the actual total memory cost is just 875M.
Google Translate 讓人笑瘋掉 - “输入“有情人终成眷属”,给出的英文翻译是“Money talks””
google翻译最懂中国文化!所谓的#有情人终成眷属#在当下的中国实际上是“有钱能使鬼推磨”。在google翻译输入“有情人终成眷属”,给出的英文翻译是“Money talks”。在google翻译输入“Money talks”给出的中文结果是“有钱能使鬼推磨”。
2月18日 13:53 来自新浪微博
- Copied from http://t.sina.com.cn/reagandou
很明顯,Google Translate 已經成為中國人的每月笑點來源之一。
Friday, February 18, 2011
Comparing with his peers in other Western countries, the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is a laughingstock. How come such a man became the Prime Minister of Italy?
However, his custom behaviors must have something to do with the pervasive culture of people consuming beautiful women in Italy, I guess.
Excerpted from http://goo.gl/zCKvk:
In the Anglo-Saxon countries, such as the U.S. and Canada, tradition seems to always be able to come to terms with modernity.
That, contrasts with the situations in many many other countries.
In general, WASPs are actually so poignantly Anglophile. :-)
At the same time, they are also profoundly fond of Paris.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Mandala (曼陀羅) & 大圓滿法門
Mandala (a word in English), 曼陀羅。佛教、印度教都有曼陀羅;作為佛教裡很特別的分支,藏密、唐密當然也有曼陀羅。
On a related note, Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist, also wrote an influential book, Mandala Symbolism, which was published in 1972 by the Princeton University Press. See http://www.amazon.com/Mandala-Symbolism-C-G-Jung/dp/0691017816 .
On a related note, Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist, also wrote an influential book, Mandala Symbolism, which was published in 1972 by the Princeton University Press. See http://www.amazon.com/Mandala-Symbolism-C-G-Jung/dp/0691017816 .
Vintage music video - 萬水千山總是情
Lyrics copied from http://goo.gl/ge1MK:
汪明荃 - 萬水千山總是情
作曲:顧家輝 / 作詞:鄧偉雄
P.S. 我驚艷於這首歌歌詞的情懷,便搜索了一下作詞人的簡介。果然是大高手的作品。鄧偉雄,饒宗頤的女婿,曾為香港電視界黃金編劇。請看香港中文大學網站上的簡介:新傳校友 >> 特寫 >> 鄧偉雄。Excerpt (請海涵我的順手複製,中大。:-) ):
They are creative. They are meticulous. They are scientific. And they are laboursome.
That is one of the right kinds of educated American individuals.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Individual happiness defined by morality?
Imagine a sadomasochist who comes to savor serial killing and derives great pleasure from it. Imagine a hit man who derives enormous gratification from stalking and slaying. Imagine a terrorist who attached to al-Qaeda, flies a hjacked plane into the World Trade Center. Can these three people be said to have achived the pleasant life, the good life, and the meaningful life, respectively? The answer is yes.
- Seligman, 2002, p. 303, n. 249
- Excerpted via the internet
Article via web - 东北曾经如此富强:1945年工业规模亚洲第一
网友 猪肉粉条 发表于:2007-12-15 17:34
网友 猪肉粉条 发表于:2007-12-15 17:34
零星读到过《奉天日报》和《满洲日日新闻》等张作霖时期和伪满洲国时期的报纸,但对东北从1920年到1949年的历史一片模糊。读罢曲晓范先生的《近代东北城市的历史变迁》,除了惊讶于东北昔日的富强,更佩服于曲先生治学的公心、魄力,悲叹于中国的文化胸怀。在中国的历史教科书中, 关于东北1949年以前的历史,讲的只是奉系军阀和关内军阀一样压榨百姓,伪满洲国的14年就只是日本如何奴役人民。而对关内中国工商业介绍得太多,以致于谁都知道上海、天津、青岛、武汉,知道江浙财团。关于中国电影史则总是反复讲上海影业的繁荣,阮玲玉、胡蝶、赵丹广为人知,而对当时亚洲最大的电影厂 ——株式会社满洲映画协会只字不提,总是直接跳到1945年中共到长春接受日伪设备、厂房、人员,成立东北电影公司。这就有太多的自相矛盾,怎么1949 年的东北突然就成了共和国长子?东北又是拿什么来支援解放战争和赤贫中国的建设?长春又怎么突然成了新中国电影的摇篮?其实,东北人从年纪大的长辈那里很难听到象关内那样的对于旧社会生活的痛苦回忆,小时候的疑问在曲先生这部书里我们找到了线索。
1925年,奉系军阀在第三次直奉战争胜利后占领上海,这背后的基础就是东北的经济已经比肩江南,20年代末东北工业化水平已超过长江流域,张氏父子的新政使东北的民族工商业成为日本满铁附属地经济的威胁,这成为9.18事变的经济诱因。东北形成了以钢铁、煤炭为中心的重工业体系和以粮食加工、纺织、食品工业为中心的轻工业体系,而直到1949年,关内中国可怜的的工业还只是局限于几个大城市。20年代末,北平、上海拍发到欧美的电报需转经沈阳。东北易帜前夕,东北拥有了中国最强大的海空军,易职后全部移交南京政府。而当我们广泛宣传上海滩的繁华时,千万不要忘了20年代末30年代初的亚洲第二国际大都市 ——哈尔滨,34家外资银行在哈埠开设分支机构,与巴黎、纽约等国际金融中心直接业务往来,哈埠的金融动态左右远东的金融形势。在哈尔滨的外国商业机构达 1809个。1928年,以出超实际利益比较,哈尔滨滨江海关稳坐全国六大海关头把交椅,成为全国最大的面粉生产和出口基地、酒精和啤酒生产基地, 1926年,中国第一座广播电台——哈尔滨广播无线电台成立并开播。1928年5月,哈尔滨车站已经可以出售直达欧洲各城市的客票。
1932年3月9日,伪满洲国成立, 1943年,当时世界上约有80个独立国家或政权,承认伪满洲国的有苏联、泰国等23个,中华民国虽不承认伪满洲国的合法性,但在1935年之后与其建立了通邮、通车、通航及贸易联系。从1933年到1942年,伪满当局详尽规划了大大小小109个城市的建设,而这样的对东北的全面系统规划我们还没有做过。
长春曾是亚洲近代唯一一个比东京还先进的城市,是中国第一个全由外国专家规划设计的城市,是中国唯一的仿照外国首都建造的城市(巴黎、堪培拉),“国都新京(长春)”到1934年,整个城市全部掩映在绿海之中,因此有了“城市山林”和“森林之都”的美称。到1942年,长春人均占有绿地 2272平方米,超过华盛顿1倍,是日本大城市人均绿地面积的5倍,为世界大城市之冠,一时在国际上声名鹊起。1934年,长春建成亚洲最大的无线电台 ——新京无线电台,长春是亚洲第一个全面普及抽水马桶的城市,是亚洲第一个全面普及管道煤气的城市。长春是中国第一个规划地铁的城市,1938年开始,在 长春规划120公里的环城地铁和有轨电车道路,还有环城高速公路。主要街道的照明和电讯线路采用地下管线,是亚洲第一个实现主干道电线入地的城市。
伪满洲国是当时亚洲乃至世界经济成长最快的“国家”之一。由于关内连年内战,赤贫的中国人口大量涌向关外,1936年1月,全东北人口3097万, 到年底猛增到3701万人,1941年达到4229万人。东北在张氏家族时代就以惊人的城市化进度超越东部沿海,伪满时期城市人口继续增长,1931年 9.18事变前夕,东北城市化水平为11.5%,1942年达到23.8%,而中国城市化水平1990年才达到18.96%(2001年国家统计局数字显 示,东北地区城市化水平最高,达到52.1%,而2003年中国城市化水平为37%,)。1939年东北铁路里程超过10000公里,1945年达到 11479公里,而中国1949年铁路总里程22000公里,1943年东北公路总里程近6万公里,而到了1949年,中国含东北在内公路总里程才8.09万公里。 1932年,东北航空线总里程1.5万公里,当年或近年的中国航空线总里程目前没有数据,但是可以参考的是,1950年的中国民用航空线总里程才1.14 万公里。1940年,时速130公里的弹丸高速列车由大连机车厂研制成功。1934年至1943年运营于南满铁路新京至大连区间的亚细亚号特快列车采用大 连制造的SL-7流线型机车,全封闭式空调车厢。
到1945年,东北工业规模超过日本本土,亚洲第一。从沈阳到大连的沈大线两侧工厂烟囱林立,城市连成一片,成为举世闻名的“绵长工业区”,沈阳铁西区被誉为“东方鲁尔”。东北工业化水平迅速提高,1931年,工业总产值占工农业总产值的比重由26.9%增加到59.3%,而中国 2003年才达到 57.5%。1938年,伪满洲国共发电16.3亿度,而且有亚洲最早的大量的水力发电,1943年,丰满水电站开始发电,发电能力每年22亿度,而到了 1949年整个中国发电量才43亿度。1943年时,东北以占中国九分之一的土地和十分之一的人口生产了占全中国49.4%的煤,87.7%的生铁, 93%的钢材,93.3%的电,69%的硫酸,60%的苏打灰,66%的水泥,95%的机械,形成了庞大的人造石油、特种钢等当时领先世界的尖端科技企业。1945年时,全中国工业总产值东北占85%,台湾占10%,连年内战的“一穷二白”的中国其余部分只占5%。
作为全亚洲最美丽的城市,长春一度成为许多学者讨论国民政府还都何处的首选。胶着在太平洋战场上的美军为了换取苏联参战以大幅减少自己对日作战的伤亡,在雅尔塔,美英合伙秘密出卖了中国,以中国在外蒙古和东北权益的巨大丧失为代价换取了苏联的参战,他们指出:“惟有苏联参战,才能最终战胜和彻底摧毁日本”。1945年8月8日,苏联对日宣战。苏联150万军队在满洲里、朝鲜半岛北部、南萨哈林岛(库页岛)迅速摧毁了日本军队。仅仅23天的战 争,苏联军队以极少的对日作战伤亡从中国换取了巨大利益,(中国抗战后没敢追究关于中国的唐努乌梁海地区加入苏联成为图瓦人民共和国的问题,又在1946 年1月被迫同意了外蒙古独立,合计失去达173.5万平方公里的领土,而打下1300万平方公里江山的清政府才丢失领土150多万平方公里。唐努乌梁海地 区和外蒙古大部是丰美的草原和高山森林、草场,还有星罗棋布的湖泊和丰富的矿藏,而我们中国人至今还以为那里都是戈壁荒漠。)还缴获了丰厚的战利品。这还不知足,从1945年9月到1946年5月,苏军把东北的工厂、矿山、电站等物资绝大多数拆运回国,9月起7个月里火车日夜不停,甚至连长春市政府的办公 家具都不放过。仅拆运宏大的鞍钢就用了40天,发运货车60列。1945年11月15日前,仅从沈阳每天就有200辆货车开往苏联,到1946年初,大沈阳90%以上工厂都成空壳,连门窗都被拆走。共计劫走东北铁路机车的75%和货车的93%,而东北集中了中国当时的大部分铁路物资和几乎全部的世界先进水平的运输车辆。
东北抗日英雄李兆麟将军抗战后曾任中苏友好协会会长,面对当时东北复杂险恶的形势,他把个人安危置之度外,坚定地说:“如果我的血能擦亮人 民的眼睛,唤起人民的觉悟,我的死也是值得的。”据我党的一贯说法是,1946年3月9日李兆麟将军在哈尔滨被国民党特务杀害,但至今仍有歧义认为是苏军所为。著名地质学家、吉林人张莘夫受国民政府委派接收抚顺煤矿,1946年在试图阻止苏联工程师运走工厂里的机器时被害。鉴于苏联在伊朗、东北、东欧咄咄逼人的进攻态势威胁了美国利益,美国新任总统杜鲁门在中国要求下对苏联提出交涉,1946年3月苏军开始回国。
- Copied from http://history.qikoo.com/article/q7089366,86153c,,1.html (now defunct) in around 2008
- Recycled in 2011
零星读到过《奉天日报》和《满洲日日新闻》等张作霖时期和伪满洲国时期的报纸,但对东北从1920年到1949年的历史一片模糊。读罢曲晓范先生的《近代东北城市的历史变迁》,除了惊讶于东北昔日的富强,更佩服于曲先生治学的公心、魄力,悲叹于中国的文化胸怀。在中国的历史教科书中, 关于东北1949年以前的历史,讲的只是奉系军阀和关内军阀一样压榨百姓,伪满洲国的14年就只是日本如何奴役人民。而对关内中国工商业介绍得太多,以致于谁都知道上海、天津、青岛、武汉,知道江浙财团。关于中国电影史则总是反复讲上海影业的繁荣,阮玲玉、胡蝶、赵丹广为人知,而对当时亚洲最大的电影厂 ——株式会社满洲映画协会只字不提,总是直接跳到1945年中共到长春接受日伪设备、厂房、人员,成立东北电影公司。这就有太多的自相矛盾,怎么1949 年的东北突然就成了共和国长子?东北又是拿什么来支援解放战争和赤贫中国的建设?长春又怎么突然成了新中国电影的摇篮?其实,东北人从年纪大的长辈那里很难听到象关内那样的对于旧社会生活的痛苦回忆,小时候的疑问在曲先生这部书里我们找到了线索。
1925年,奉系军阀在第三次直奉战争胜利后占领上海,这背后的基础就是东北的经济已经比肩江南,20年代末东北工业化水平已超过长江流域,张氏父子的新政使东北的民族工商业成为日本满铁附属地经济的威胁,这成为9.18事变的经济诱因。东北形成了以钢铁、煤炭为中心的重工业体系和以粮食加工、纺织、食品工业为中心的轻工业体系,而直到1949年,关内中国可怜的的工业还只是局限于几个大城市。20年代末,北平、上海拍发到欧美的电报需转经沈阳。东北易帜前夕,东北拥有了中国最强大的海空军,易职后全部移交南京政府。而当我们广泛宣传上海滩的繁华时,千万不要忘了20年代末30年代初的亚洲第二国际大都市 ——哈尔滨,34家外资银行在哈埠开设分支机构,与巴黎、纽约等国际金融中心直接业务往来,哈埠的金融动态左右远东的金融形势。在哈尔滨的外国商业机构达 1809个。1928年,以出超实际利益比较,哈尔滨滨江海关稳坐全国六大海关头把交椅,成为全国最大的面粉生产和出口基地、酒精和啤酒生产基地, 1926年,中国第一座广播电台——哈尔滨广播无线电台成立并开播。1928年5月,哈尔滨车站已经可以出售直达欧洲各城市的客票。
1932年3月9日,伪满洲国成立, 1943年,当时世界上约有80个独立国家或政权,承认伪满洲国的有苏联、泰国等23个,中华民国虽不承认伪满洲国的合法性,但在1935年之后与其建立了通邮、通车、通航及贸易联系。从1933年到1942年,伪满当局详尽规划了大大小小109个城市的建设,而这样的对东北的全面系统规划我们还没有做过。
长春曾是亚洲近代唯一一个比东京还先进的城市,是中国第一个全由外国专家规划设计的城市,是中国唯一的仿照外国首都建造的城市(巴黎、堪培拉),“国都新京(长春)”到1934年,整个城市全部掩映在绿海之中,因此有了“城市山林”和“森林之都”的美称。到1942年,长春人均占有绿地 2272平方米,超过华盛顿1倍,是日本大城市人均绿地面积的5倍,为世界大城市之冠,一时在国际上声名鹊起。1934年,长春建成亚洲最大的无线电台 ——新京无线电台,长春是亚洲第一个全面普及抽水马桶的城市,是亚洲第一个全面普及管道煤气的城市。长春是中国第一个规划地铁的城市,1938年开始,在 长春规划120公里的环城地铁和有轨电车道路,还有环城高速公路。主要街道的照明和电讯线路采用地下管线,是亚洲第一个实现主干道电线入地的城市。
伪满洲国是当时亚洲乃至世界经济成长最快的“国家”之一。由于关内连年内战,赤贫的中国人口大量涌向关外,1936年1月,全东北人口3097万, 到年底猛增到3701万人,1941年达到4229万人。东北在张氏家族时代就以惊人的城市化进度超越东部沿海,伪满时期城市人口继续增长,1931年 9.18事变前夕,东北城市化水平为11.5%,1942年达到23.8%,而中国城市化水平1990年才达到18.96%(2001年国家统计局数字显 示,东北地区城市化水平最高,达到52.1%,而2003年中国城市化水平为37%,)。1939年东北铁路里程超过10000公里,1945年达到 11479公里,而中国1949年铁路总里程22000公里,1943年东北公路总里程近6万公里,而到了1949年,中国含东北在内公路总里程才8.09万公里。 1932年,东北航空线总里程1.5万公里,当年或近年的中国航空线总里程目前没有数据,但是可以参考的是,1950年的中国民用航空线总里程才1.14 万公里。1940年,时速130公里的弹丸高速列车由大连机车厂研制成功。1934年至1943年运营于南满铁路新京至大连区间的亚细亚号特快列车采用大 连制造的SL-7流线型机车,全封闭式空调车厢。
到1945年,东北工业规模超过日本本土,亚洲第一。从沈阳到大连的沈大线两侧工厂烟囱林立,城市连成一片,成为举世闻名的“绵长工业区”,沈阳铁西区被誉为“东方鲁尔”。东北工业化水平迅速提高,1931年,工业总产值占工农业总产值的比重由26.9%增加到59.3%,而中国 2003年才达到 57.5%。1938年,伪满洲国共发电16.3亿度,而且有亚洲最早的大量的水力发电,1943年,丰满水电站开始发电,发电能力每年22亿度,而到了 1949年整个中国发电量才43亿度。1943年时,东北以占中国九分之一的土地和十分之一的人口生产了占全中国49.4%的煤,87.7%的生铁, 93%的钢材,93.3%的电,69%的硫酸,60%的苏打灰,66%的水泥,95%的机械,形成了庞大的人造石油、特种钢等当时领先世界的尖端科技企业。1945年时,全中国工业总产值东北占85%,台湾占10%,连年内战的“一穷二白”的中国其余部分只占5%。
作为全亚洲最美丽的城市,长春一度成为许多学者讨论国民政府还都何处的首选。胶着在太平洋战场上的美军为了换取苏联参战以大幅减少自己对日作战的伤亡,在雅尔塔,美英合伙秘密出卖了中国,以中国在外蒙古和东北权益的巨大丧失为代价换取了苏联的参战,他们指出:“惟有苏联参战,才能最终战胜和彻底摧毁日本”。1945年8月8日,苏联对日宣战。苏联150万军队在满洲里、朝鲜半岛北部、南萨哈林岛(库页岛)迅速摧毁了日本军队。仅仅23天的战 争,苏联军队以极少的对日作战伤亡从中国换取了巨大利益,(中国抗战后没敢追究关于中国的唐努乌梁海地区加入苏联成为图瓦人民共和国的问题,又在1946 年1月被迫同意了外蒙古独立,合计失去达173.5万平方公里的领土,而打下1300万平方公里江山的清政府才丢失领土150多万平方公里。唐努乌梁海地 区和外蒙古大部是丰美的草原和高山森林、草场,还有星罗棋布的湖泊和丰富的矿藏,而我们中国人至今还以为那里都是戈壁荒漠。)还缴获了丰厚的战利品。这还不知足,从1945年9月到1946年5月,苏军把东北的工厂、矿山、电站等物资绝大多数拆运回国,9月起7个月里火车日夜不停,甚至连长春市政府的办公 家具都不放过。仅拆运宏大的鞍钢就用了40天,发运货车60列。1945年11月15日前,仅从沈阳每天就有200辆货车开往苏联,到1946年初,大沈阳90%以上工厂都成空壳,连门窗都被拆走。共计劫走东北铁路机车的75%和货车的93%,而东北集中了中国当时的大部分铁路物资和几乎全部的世界先进水平的运输车辆。
东北抗日英雄李兆麟将军抗战后曾任中苏友好协会会长,面对当时东北复杂险恶的形势,他把个人安危置之度外,坚定地说:“如果我的血能擦亮人 民的眼睛,唤起人民的觉悟,我的死也是值得的。”据我党的一贯说法是,1946年3月9日李兆麟将军在哈尔滨被国民党特务杀害,但至今仍有歧义认为是苏军所为。著名地质学家、吉林人张莘夫受国民政府委派接收抚顺煤矿,1946年在试图阻止苏联工程师运走工厂里的机器时被害。鉴于苏联在伊朗、东北、东欧咄咄逼人的进攻态势威胁了美国利益,美国新任总统杜鲁门在中国要求下对苏联提出交涉,1946年3月苏军开始回国。
- Copied from http://history.qikoo.com/article/q7089366,86153c,,1.html (now defunct) in around 2008
- Recycled in 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
My grandparents on my mum's side used to live in an adobe house.
But I personally think that adobe house perhaps is warmer than the concrete house which my grandma is living in, in the concrete jungle surrounding it.
I can't access Douban in the past a few days.
Well, we have to abide by the bidirectional firewall set up by the Chinese government, I guess.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
URL is actually so important. It can reveal a lot of things, for that matter.
Will there ever be a URL search product available?
Friday, February 11, 2011
- Copied from 台灣教育部重編國語辭典修訂本 (Dictionary of Chinese Idioms) at http://goo.gl/nt1fr
Thursday, February 10, 2011
不管你每個星期花費在英文上的時間是多少,一定要注意有一個系統性的模樣,即:你每個星期在聽、說、讀、寫、vocabulary 等五個方面都得花時間,各方面的比例會因個人的實際情況不同而有不同百分比的分配,8% 等等。原因是那五個方面相輔相成、互相養育。則你的學力、能力的養成,可以邁上踏實前進之一途。
Unknown shore
(Image from http://bit.ly/94Ic5G)
He was cast by sea waves on an unknown shore
Birds swarmed and swooned in cacophony
As if fain expostulating with each other
He walked and saw and thought
This would be a known shore in years
Zionism, the very powerful Jewish political movement, is very intriguing.
And relatedly, the Christian Zionism is also very interesting.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I've heard that there's a free unlock package that can unlock iPhone and all of its paid apps.
I don't know if it contains spyware or something. It must be, right?
Many people like drawing. And they draw doodles everywhere, in the classroom, washroom, and so on.
In Canada and the U.S., you can see lots of painted doodles on building walls.
But I've never been able to draw.
But I've never been able to draw.
The sometimes outrageous costs of law suits have made resorting to court largely only viable for the suits, especially in the U.S.
Can the existing glut of lawyers drive down the costs and benefit more average Joes and Janes?
It seems that some native Chinese, even some with undergraduate and post-graduate degrees, don't know how to express their reasoning at all when they are expressing themselves. They simply reiterate their personal feelings.
Should they voice their reasoning when they try to make their points? Well, sometime when a person doesn't make his reasoning known, his words appear to be kind of like unconstructive jibber-jabber, right?
Vintage music video - 巫啟賢 - 心酸的情歌
Lyrics copied from http://goo.gl/oocgT:
作词:刘德华 作曲:巫启贤 编曲:杜自持
此刻深深的伤透了 我唱着心酸的情歌我個人覺得哈,劉德華演電影演得不是很有深度,歌唱得不是特別的好,寫的歌詞一般也不是特別優美,但是這首歌詞裡反映出的情懷很是不錯。
歌声不再有那美丽结局 与你重燃爱火
风中凄清的一个 却有谁人可知心事么
谁想到为你付出热爱在那夜 竟是错
留恋情 是我 曾经爱你是那么多
无心人 是你 令我热炽热爱一切没希望
如今再没有力气共你在这夜 玩火
如今再没有力气共你在这夜 玩火
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The said "moral bankruptcy" of Goldman Sachs and the likes of it & "a global financial levy"
The former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown once mentioned "a global financial levy" for banks and financial institutions. I wonder how well the actual implementation of it goes worldwide. I believe many people are watching that.
Take this as at http://goo.gl/QrekV:
Take this as at http://goo.gl/QrekV:
Mr Brown said: "We need a global financial levy for the banks, we have to quash remuneration packages such as Goldman Sachs. I cannot allow this to continue.
"Everything I find out convinces me we've got to go in deeper and I believe I'm the man to go in and deal with these problems with the banks."
Last week Mr Brown said he made a "mistake" when he acceded to call for lighter regulations on financial institutions during his years as chancellor.
Today he said: "Every time I moved on regulation I had people saying this is ridiculous - deregulation is the only way forward. I accept we didn't know what was going on inside independent companies.
"The banks have let us down. There is a moral bankruptcy reflected in what I've been reading about and hearing out. I want a special investigation."
Mr Brown added: "The banks are a risk to the economy. We've got to make sure they behave in a proper way. We've got to do it at an international level. We need agreement about what we need to do. A new global constitution for the banks is a big issue."
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Wow. A grandly refreshing picture.
(Photo from http://goo.gl/5QqO6)
Note that the photograph "was taken on June 21, 2009 in Battle Creek, Michigan, US, using a Nikon D90", as stated at http://goo.gl/5QqO6 .
“孟郊(751~814年),中國唐代詩人。... 孟浩然孫。”
- Excerpted from http://goo.gl/VKERK
It seems that China's video streaming websites, such as tudou.com, are bedrid due to their lagging in technological capabilities.
And 56.com seems to be the best, relatively, among them.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
The consequences of social networking services are writ large on the face of the forthcoming years.
People will use them more and more to find information.
Friday, February 4, 2011
I'm abandoning the labeling of the posts on this blog.
It's just neither necessary nor helpful. For finding information on this blog, a search will do.
Fluorine is everywhere in our daily life.
Fluoride toothpaste, fluoridated tap water, and fluorescent lighting are good examples.
Now that the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons has stripped the license of the disgraced Toronto pathologist Charles Randal Smith and found him "incompetent" and "unprofessional".
Note that Mr. Charles Smith had obtained his pathology training at University of Toronto in the 1970s. And now we know that an education from a prestigious university does NOT equal to high quality of a professional's work.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
What major elements have driven the current tectonic shift of the political landscape of the Arab world, such as what have been happening in Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, and Yemen?
It is said that the steeply rising cost of foods is one of them.
The surname "Sachs" is a German and Jewish name.
It "took its name from the region of Saxony in central Germany".
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Teenage girls mostly speak words quickly.
And when they get excited or something, they sputter. Then you can tell they are excited.
Suomi, a.k.a. Finland, is an intriguing country.
Below are some images associated with it presented at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finland:
Impressive for a nation with a mere population of 5 million, isn't it?
Impressive for a nation with a mere population of 5 million, isn't it?
It feels that the reputation of Harvard University,
the ritzy brand name among the world's higher education institutes, was more ore less tarnished by HBS.
Too many people consider the finance or investment industry to be the top, the ritz.
But, is a job in it actually fool's gold? Well, ask those who left it.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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