Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nostalgic - Vintage music videos - ABBA - Fernando

Two versions of the lyrics:

This particular song is ABBA's "biggest selling single of all time, selling 6,000,000 copies in 1976 alone." The English version of the song in the above videos "presents a vision of nostalgia for two veterans reminiscing in old age about a lost battle that they participated in during their younger days fighting under Emiliano Zapata in a battle of the Mexican revolution of 1910." (Cited from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fernando_(song) )

Wendy wench (Part 1)

(Anime from http://goo.gl/djN0G)

With a pony tail fluttering behind her head
Reminiscing about the braid she wore yesterday
She mindlessly flushed the tube out with the clear water
Which she had carried down from the hilltop with cypresses


Becoming less than enamored of its time spent here
It scrambled into another web, fluttering

Wikileaks.org is another undermining cut on news organizations' roles

If a mysterious and tremendously discussed website, Wikileaks.org , can dig out important, enlightening and current information for and present it to the public, what are the values that traditional news outlets bring forth to the society?

And have the values been diminishing for years? You bet.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Wenches tend to be a little sentimental sometimes.

Thought-provoking - Article via web - Raising a Child in Two Worlds

Article: Raising a Child in Two Worlds - NYTimes.com .

When Nina is ready for real school, the choices in our neighborhood don’t thrill me either. Because of the dominant immigrant population, many have a heavy focus on learning English. While I understand that need, I can’t pretend I don’t worry that my daughter’s education will be slowed while she waits for other kids to learn her native language. Plenty of Caucasian parents in my neighborhood have chosen them, are determined to advocate for better education by keeping their kids there instead of fleeing south. I admire them, truly. But at the end of the day, I’m just not ready to make that leap of faith where my daughter’s concerned. I’m not proud of this, but I’ve accepted it as my parental right.

Motherhood is constantly realizing that so much of her life will be out of my control. So is it so terrible for me to see that one of her cultures maybe edges out the other? Just a teeny, tiny bit? If Latinos ruled the world, maybe I’d push things to go the other way, but political correctness and cultural diversity aside, I want her doing well in life — money, success, respect, opportunities, and, most of all, safety. Not gonna apologize for that, though I wish it could be otherwise. I also wish that there weren’t so many boxes to check — and that the only alternative to choosing one is to write on the blank line “Other.”

Toto washlet (toilet)

The inventions of flush toilet, oscillating sprinkler, and blow dryer are among the best creations by the human kind. On top of them is the Toto washlet (toilet). You can watch this video commercial.

First-rate poems can be lenient.


The deputation manifested their doting on maps
And chided the trade wind around the vessel
While deputing it to hasten the lost fineries
And the freedom never really seen in the world

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Impartiality in news reporting

A news organization chooses, observes, and reports tidings. How on earth can it achieve and keep impartiality, if that is not its paramount aim? I for one want to be fed impartial information for the most part.

Actually, I think this is a deeper issue, which demands rumination, than I previously thought, in the presence of the supposed pursuit of advertisement dollars by the news organization.

A tempest in a tea pot (Version C)

Sustenance in a bowl of soup
Maintenance in a rigid book
Staid souls in a barter mall
Unfathomable water in a hall

Appellation of sage

The appellation of sage requires one to be by nature wise, and gentle.

I have become enamored of the Anglo-Saxon language.

Its richness and insights seems to know no bounds. And the cultures breathing it seem to be always powerfully up-to-date and progressive.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Picture - When grandma attacked his groin

(Image via http://goo.gl/CuOoe)

In the name of self defense. :-)

The kicked body part of the young guy was called "groin". Ouch. :-(

Graveyard shift store

After-hours are not off-hours
You stand behind the counter
Passing the stuff to customer
Nigh his girl at Tim Horton's

Times of getting taxed on RRSP and RESP

(This post is only applicable to Canadian residents.)

The principal of a RRSP is only taxed once during its lifespan, upon its payout. On the other hand, the principal of a RESP gets taxed twice during its lifespan, i.e. it's already post-income tax money when the subscriber (parent) contributes it into a RESP account and then is taxed again under the name of the beneficiary (child) when she receives it later on.

I'm ruminating over the reasons why they're designed so by the Canadian government and can't grasp them yet.

Blockbuster emporium

Under the roof the emporium buzzed and bustled
The merchant looked forward to linear prosperity
Society has evolved with unpredictability in vivo
YouTube and Vimeo are full of vim and character

(Note: This piece relates to the going belly up of the Blockbuster video rental company vis-a-vis the emergent successes of Netflix, YouTube, and the likes.)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Keen - Vintage music video - The Cranberries - Twenty One

Lyrics: http://goo.gl/j1FiN.

The Cranberries is yet another great music talent from Ireland. Gee. There are so many. And they, Irish musicians, almost have hold monopoly over my ears for years. Their nation must be quite poetic.

However, in stark contrast to that phenomenon, Ireland's financiers have been so disastrous. Now that prompts me to ask, is that poetic country also very scientific?

For the time being, I suspect the above particular song embodies some classic wounds of the Irish nation.

A tempest in a teapot (Version A)

Ruminating on the temperature of the water
The tea leaves flow low and high meandering
Their qualities preserved for so long a time
Will give out their hints once and for all

Bankers' hours nowadays

The purport of the phrase "bankers' hours" has deviated so much from its root. Nowadays (investment) bankers are so used to working graveyard shifts and day shifts back to back. Gone are the days of easy laboring in the banking industry. On the other hand, ironically, many civil servants in Canada tend to work bankers' hours with long coffee breaks blended in, day in and day out. Well, who doesn't want to be that kind of "servant"?


Ignorance breeds levity, in my experience.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Eye candy - Music video - The Corrs - Leave Me Alone

The lyrics are at: http://goo.gl/C527x.

The diversity of pretty ladies and eye candy videos knows no limits. The Corrs sisters for sure are one of them, aren't they? And man, can they smile! No wonder they had topped the pop charts worldwide. Their photogenic facial expressions and groovy music definitely could sell.

The Corrs' music

I've been listening to their music on and off. And I admit that it's lovely and lovable and it exceeds my initial expectations, for the most part. And, it's soothing for off-hours relaxing.

Savant (Part 2)

(Image via http://goo.gl/keAIl)

Sustenance in the bowels of the world
People say knowledge is a tepid thing
Yet you die with questions even more
Than even when you started out young

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Savant (Part 1)

You know certainly there are many angles and levels
You try to maintain an impartial position all along
The myriad world is minified in your practiced mind
The jaded retinue keep going and going in the heath

Montreal's after-hours retailing market

The opening of Montreal's after-hours retailing market a few years ago has led to fierce competition and emotions nowadays. A for instance is partly manifested along this forum thread at Sinoquebec.com.

Article via web - 内地价管山雨欲来乎?

Here're some excerpts from (2010.11.23)内地价管山雨欲来乎?_张五常_新浪博客:


Monday, November 22, 2010

Unwieldy logistics of blogging outside the Chinese wall

Effective blogging requires unwieldy logistics, especially due to the being of the Great Firewall in front of the willing readers of my blog who dwell in China. I did try to ferret out a blogging service which was hosted in China and I really liked, but that produced no result.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Article via web - Language as a Blunt Tool of the Digital Age

English learning has increasingly fallen to be a mainstream after-hours activity in a host of countries worldwide, I guess. Just how big the magnitude of that is, I have no idea yet.

On a different note, for those people who leave for an English-speaking nation from an East Asian one, including China, in their teenage years which deem them premature, we can consider the situation life puts them in, which possibly is that "They end up, as the Indian writer Pavan Varma has called them, “linguistic half-castes,” functional in many tongues, without command of any."(See below for the quote.) Think, and think twice about that, my friend.

There is an article published in January 2010 by The NYT: Currents - Language as a Blunt Tool of the Digital Age. Below go some excerpts:
Globalization, in bringing cultures together, exerts its own pragmatic pressure. With English the escalator of globalized success, the language’s center of gravity is tilting away from English-speaking lands. A stripped-down English of catchphrases and trite idioms, light on richness, is becoming the true global language.
The English-learning boom in developing nations also corrodes their own languages. Their young increasingly learn enough English to do a global-economy job but not so much as to be articulate in it. Yet many give up on mastering their native languages. They end up, as the Indian writer Pavan Varma has called them, “linguistic half-castes,” functional in many tongues, without command of any.

In the language-as-protocol worldview, the best lyrics are the least lyrical, because the greatest number can follow them. The most successful headlines are not those with the freshest word choices but those whose well-worn expressions are frequently Googled. The most effective communication at work is not the bulky memo, but the bullet-riddled PowerPoint presentation, which people from varied nationalities can absorb in very little time.

The real existence of labor unions

In Canada and USA, the real existence of labor unions, sometimes, is the elephant in the room. Have they been becoming increasingly irrelevant? You bet they have and you bet they will.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vintage music video - The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love (Live)

Here go the lyrics.

In or not in its own right, most people chase after money, some after fame, and some after love. Well, as the adages go, life's all about choices, and all's well that ends well.

Cenotaph (Part 2)

(Image from http://goo.gl/KhPDa)

Inscribed on his epitaph in a cemetery was
He liked the sounds of birds fluttering
He liked the look of flurries of skirts
But those things he fought for
He liked more

Cenotaph (Part 1)

(Image from http://goo.gl/KhPDa)

Most of them were good citizens
With vim for their home country
Mostly they would fight and fall
In order to keep a land for all

Friday, November 19, 2010

Some Chinese companies seize a technology and wrest it

It seems that some Chinese companies are enterprises which seize a technology and wrest it from a Western or Japanese firm and run with it, appropriating it as its own, to profiteer and leverage unfairly. Some Western companies may be going to remonstrate about that further down the road. Well, legal battles ahead.

Anticipating the real-deal Canadian winter

With an eye toward the real-deal Canadian winter followed by the thawing spring, I would say I for one like flurries but don't favor slush quite much.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Viral video - "He'll never be a real Canadian"

Interesting keywords: Canada-born Asian, racism, identity, racialization, remonstrance.

It can be consuming for an individual to deal with his or her internal struggles with self identity.

Canada is a reading country

As I've realized and discovered over the years, Canada is a reading country. Be it books, newspapers, websites, blogs, Canadians read them all and read, and read. After all, this state is evolving into a knowledge economy. Well, the other day, it turned out there's one more book for Canadian people to peruse. The recent announcement of the Giller Prize winner has wreaked a flurry of media exposure and then a flurry of people's purchasing the winning book "The Sentimentalists". Gee.


In public two nations wrestle
Take a friction and run with it
Their state machines hustle
With pendulous tactics with-it

Invisible power from one another to wrest
Debate, intercept, and ambush with zest
People like to fill themselves with delusion
Serendipity mostly let them find resolution

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Twitter and speedier dissemination of information

Twitter wreaked quite a flutter in the Western world. I still haven't truly grasped why it has been so stupendously popular. A little speedier and simpler dissemination of information is what that communication medium essentially offers, in my opinion, but that's not something really huge. However, that's solely my take for the time being.

Bay Street of the U.S.A. (Part 4)

(Image from http://bit.ly/9Bgp7q)

Until some finance insiders blurt out the reality
Prospectuses are my means to solicit and deceit
Later on you will be in the unconscionable know
But sadly you have never truly learned the lesson

Sing, sing for the Bay Street of the U.S.A.

Article via web - 海外华人生活 - 在加拿大学英文的"苦"

- Beyond乐队


来加拿大之前我的英文程度可说是"零",除了会说"How old are you"、"What's your name"、"good morning"……等等之外,就真的一窍不通了。

在来的第二年春天我开始上ESL课,就在学期快结束时的某个午休,有一位来自香港的女同学用广东话跟我说:"你的英文那么烂,为什么会被分来这班?" 我摇头说:"不知道"。结果上课时,老师心血来潮想和我聊天;他才刚说完,那位女同学又跟我说:"你不用说,你的英文那么烂,说什么老师也听不懂的。"说完又用英文跟老师说:"她的英文那么烂,为什么会来这班?"顿时之间所有的同学都向我望来。

当时我强忍着泪水,只因为我不想让外国同学看我的笑话; 我装着一副听不懂的表情,才平息了这尴尬的场面。在回家的路上边开车边哭,想到母亲常叮咛我的话:"同样一件事,如果被人笑一次是那个人没有风度;被笑第 二次是自己没有智能;被笑三次或以上是自取其辱;人要有志气,面子是自己给的,不是别人给的。"再想想:"自己的英文确实很烂,也怪不得别人会笑你。"心情也较舒服了些。




虽然我的读、写进步了,但我始终还是觉得我的英文不好,可是又不知道问题在哪里。就在最后一堂课,我把我的烦恼告诉了老师。她说:"学英文最好的方法就是在家多听英文新闻、看英文节目和报章杂志,只要持之以恒一定可以学好英文的。"(Important! So, the ESL teacher working at U. of Toronto said that keeping on reading newspapers and magazines is going to lead to continuous improvement of English. --double_take)学期结束后,我照她的话做。

刚开始很痛苦,时常挣扎地想转回中文台;后来索性把中文台停了,就这样逼自己听和看英文节目。我觉得看英文节目还好些,看报纸才是最痛苦。刚开始光是一个小框框就得花几个小时,不懂就查、查了又忘、忘了再查,查字典真的是查到哭。但我知道,我今天不努力,将来一定会后悔,正所谓:"人无远虑,必有近忧。"我不想将来会因我放弃学英文而后悔,("摇落深知宋玉悲" --double_take)所以每当我查字典查到哭时,我就停下来把眼泪擦干再继续查。





- Copied from the web in around 2008
- Recycled in 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Vintage music video - "Stranger in Moscow" - Michael Jackson

I especially appreciate the part "Stalin's tomb won't let me be" in the lyrics.

New word: Armageddon.

Slightly updated - "Public Force" vis-a-vis "Government Forces"

Here is the French notion of Public Force:
In contrast to similar declarations of rights from Anglo-Saxon countries, the emphasis is on the citizen's duty to contribute to the existence of such a force, rather than on the citizen's rights vis-a-vis such a force.
But what if the government, the commander of the public force, becomes or is complicit with corruption or outright incompetence? And what if a serious rupture between the citizens and the state government erupts?

On the other hand, in English, the corresponding idea is called "government forces", in lieu of "public force". Hmm, let's ponder over that.

- Last revised in November 2010
- Initially published on October 14th, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bay Street of the U.S.A. (Part 3)

(Image from http://bit.ly/9Bgp7q)

Ombudsmen never have actual power over me
Because they must be impartial all the time
And I always design my financial products
Very slyly and preempt any loss on my side

Facebook vs. Google

It just dawned that Facebook would pretty soon inaugurate its own email services, which particular move could result in Facebook wresting even more users from Google. And strangely, that wreaked a puny flutter of panic in me. I went and ferreted out an old post of mine which advocated against using Facebook too much. From this day forward, I will personally keep tabs on the competition of Facebook versus Google, which is for sure going to unroll splendid showdowns.

Below is my old entry that appeared in June 2008:

My position is anti-FaceBook. Period. Twitter is a better alternative. Here goes some excerpt from How to Avoid Wasting Time on Facebook - wikiHow:
Some people love to use Facebook to keep in touch with friends. However, Facebook seems to be set up to try to draw you in and spend (waste) more time there, and to get your friends to spend more time there. If you just want to use it to keep in touch with people, renew contact with old friends, and just maybe do some networking, here are some ways to avoid wasting too much time.

The feeling of words failing me

From time to time, I have the feeling that words fail me. One day when waterfowl fluttered gracefully over a lake, wanting to express that, I lost my words. And one day I spoke with a friend, trying to thoroughly and holistically display my points of view, and my utterance twisted.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Excellent free online film - "Billy Elliot"

This familiar and popular flick is for me a blast from the past. I'd recommend it: YouTube - Billy Elliot Film - Part 1. Enjoy.

Bay Street of the U.S.A. (Part 2)

This is monkey business but you don't know
I am the guaranteed beneficiary all the way
No matter what I promise you in sales pitches
It is my self interest which drives my services

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Eye candy - Music video - The Corrs & Bono - When the Stars Go Blue (Live 8)

(Another version of the song, by The Corrs at the Montreux (Switzerland) Jazz Festival, which isn't as fine, for my money.)

The lyrics are: http://bit.ly/8QmCqk

Bay Street of the U.S.A. (Part 1)

(Image from http://bit.ly/9Bgp7q)

Our international financial hearts flutter at
Thousands of transactions per millisecond
The revenue doubles, the net earnings triple
And the employees turnover rate quadruples

The polyglot Switzerland

Switzerland is a polyglot nation. For the most part, people in Zurich and Berne speak German, while those in Geneva converse in French. Well, we can approximate the country to be a bilingual one, just like Canada is, can't we?

Nonetheless, pragmatically speaking, there may be a glut of human languages on the earth, given the rabid advancement of this internet age, whose preponderant language of choice is English, for the sake of communication and presentation.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Information via web - 想要学好英语, 最重要的就是使自己成为 "a big reader"



——何其莘(北京外国语大学副校长 博士生导师)











中国人读英语有个缺点,学习缺乏渐进性。他们习惯于读满篇都是生词的文章,以为这样"收获"才最大。结果他们的阅读不断地被查词典打断,一小时只能看两三页,读起来自然索然无味,最后只能作罢。这是中国人学英语的通病!读的文章几乎全部达到了语言学家所说的"frustration level"(使学生感到沮丧的程度)。

我当年的英语老师是美国一位非常优秀的教育家,叫Steven,他在第一次给我们上课时就说:想要学好英语,最重要的就是使自己成为"a big reader"(大量阅读的人,博览群书者)。Read, read, read. 但保证阅读能够顺利进行的关键是阅读材料的难度。生词、难点不能过多,总体水平要低于自己的水平。这样读起来才能津津有味,爱不释手。

西方的语言学家和心理学家对英语学习者的阅读状况进行了大量的研究,结论令人非常吃惊:最适宜阅读的难度比我们长期所处的、我们所习惯的、我们头脑中定位的难度要低得多!只有文中生词量小到足以保证阅读的持续性时,语言吸收的效果才最好,语言水平的提高也最快。举个形象的例子:上山是从峭壁直接艰难攀登还是走平缓的盘山路好?显然,能够从峭壁登顶者寥寥无几!即使其能勉强成功,也远远落后于沿坦途行进者。(Really? I really doubt that it remains true all the way.  --double_take)


没有几百万字的输入无法学好英语。语言的习得是一个长期的过程,需要大量的"输入"。一个由汉语武装起来的头脑,没有几百万字英文的输入,即使要达到一般水平也难。绝大多数的英语学习者正是由于缺少了这一环节,所以停留在一个无奈的水平上。("水是眼波横,山是眉峰聚。 欲问行人去那边,眉眼盈盈处"。 --double_take)









《查泰莱夫人的情人》(Lady Chatterley's Lover):我当年读大学的时候,班上每个同学都买一本看。有的同学甚至熄灯后,打着手电筒躲在被窝里看。


《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights):讲述的是一个骇人听闻的复仇故事,当初没有想到这本书的作者竟然是一个生活在几乎与世隔绝环境中的女孩。

《飘》(Gone with the Wind):几乎所有的美国女孩都读过这本书,主人公斯佳丽是美国女孩的偶像,可以说我见过的每个美国女孩都是一个Scarlett



- Copied from http://www.amazon.cn/detail/product.asp?prodid=zjbk078508&ref=GS&uid=000-0000000-0000000 in around 2008

- Recycled in 2010

I like the sounds of the leaves fluttering

I like the sounds of the palpably many-hued leaves fluttering on their abode trees when the winds meet up with them.

Abyss, or limbo (Part 2)

(Image from http://bit.ly/cb8aPl)

Unaware of the surpassing sublimity
Of the opaque and unfathomable abyss
It turned its little heart and mind
To the habitually comforting limbo

Lifelessness was not what it dreaded
It recoiled at being entirely hopeless
Of precipitating the golden winds
Which fell in its enslaving dreams

Abyss, or limbo (Part 1)

(Image from http://bit.ly/dsBoa6)

It flew into the factual abyss
With glamorous little thoughts
And found itself powerlessly
Lifeless in the unfeeling chasm

It put on its chunky gray glasses
And saw bitterness in its heart
It turned around its eyes toward
A red welcoming but staid limbo

Profound - My notes (Part 1) - "Death of a Salesman"

Here goes some excerpt from the Wikipedia entry:
Death of a Salesman is a 1949 play written by American playwright Arthur Miller. The play ran for 745 performances, winning both the Tony Award and the Pulitzer Prize for drama. The original production was directed by Elia Kazan with Lee J. Cobb starring in the leading role of Willy Loman.
The play attempts to raise a counterexample to Aristotle's characterization of tragedy as the downfall of a great man: though Loman certainly has hamartia, a tragic flaw or error, his downfall is that of an ordinary man. In this sense, Miller's play represents a democratization of the ancient form of tragedy; the play's protagonist is himself obsessed with the question of greatness, and his downfall arises directly from his continued misconception of himself--at age 63--as someone capable of greatness, as well as the unshakable conviction that greatness stems directly from personal charisma or popularity.

And this line of text caught my eye on that web page too:
Sandage, Scott A. (2005). Born Losers: A History of Failure in America. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Human hearts tend to flutter

Human hearts tend to flutter, under the scarcely unfathomable forces and influences in the society. And the fluttering oftentimes leads to regrets or remonstrances.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Paradox of U.S.A.'s seeming lack of cultural depth and its actual cultural sophistication

It seems that I've never ceased to be amazed by the paradox of U.S.A.'s seeming lack of cultural depth and its actual cultural sophistication, or at least the actual cultural sophistication of its myriad cultured individuals.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Proficiency in English Decreases

In the non-English speaking nations, including France, which is the originating country of the native Quebecois, the necessity of gaining literary in the Anglo-Saxon language is so palpable that people has become to be crazy about it. Meanwhile, in the English-speaking countries, the ubiquity of highly developed proficiency in the language seems to make immigrants numb about or weary of the urgency of honing their own tongues, for the most part. And that has been my impression.

Here is an article from The NYT in January 2005: Proficiency in English Decreases Over a Decade. And here follows some well put excerpt:

For generations of immigrants to New York, learning English has been the passport to a better life, whether it turned a busboy into a waiter, bridged the distance between an ethnic enclave and the Ivy League, or was just used to persuade the landlord to turn on the heat.
"English literacy supports self-sufficiency, supports the ability to get a raise, to get a promotion, and it fosters children's academic success," said Jeanne B. Mullgrav, commissioner of the city Department of Youth and Community Development, citing research that underscores the importance of parental involvement. "To the extent that parents improve their skills, children succeed."

The ideal social workers should be persevering

They must be persevering, persistent, and gentle.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Life in front of screens and within rooms

In the wake of the unapologetic democratization of personal computing, most city people began to expend the best part of their workday or/and leisure time in front of screens of some sorts, and within the walls of rooms of some sorts, day in and day out.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Difficulty of English Learning Deserves Its Due

Here goes a brief piece at the NYT - English-Language Teaching Deserves Its Due. And there is a passage in it that hits the spot:
Learning French, Greek or Chinese is considered neither an easy nor basic task even for your exceptional Ivy League student; why should learning English be considered differently?

It has developed that it is rather cumbersome for an individual to cross the dichotomy between the Indo-European languages, English for one thing, and the East Asian languages, including Chinese and Japanese. And that is precisely why it is far easier for an English speaker to acquire Spanish and so on than the Chinese language, and on the other hand, for a Chinese to master the Japanese tongue than the English one.

Enormous difficulties notwithstanding, the imperative to gain fantastic English proficiency is not to be ignored by a speaker of an East Asian language, given the omnipresence of the one and only sucking global economy. The better part of the 21st century will see some intriguing realignment of global resources, especially human capital and cultural capital, along the dimensions of distinct languages families.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Straight from the heart - Music video - "Fifteen" - Taylor Swift & Miley Cyrus

Here go the lyrics: http://bit.ly/I7UKP

Belatedly did come popularity of this fantastic magnitude for a country music star. Taylor Swift has become such a stupendous hit in the world of pop music nowadays.

Her music is typically straight from the heart. By the way, I like Miley Cyrus' singing voice.

FYI: It seems that the young Ms. Taylor Swift writes all her music by herself. Wow, pretty.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Article via web - 今天你学英语了吗?

Disclaimer: I am not, in any way, affiliated with the author of the article below. And similarly, I am not associated with the author's company or organization.





英语有多重要?让我们先把文化了解,流利程度,听力好坏这些重要的东西抛开,让我们假设这些都不是问题,就单拿口音一件事来举一个非常简单的例子。假设您是一个本地企业的管理者,某一天您为了招聘一个程序员面试了一个中国移民,此人技术水平无与伦比,敬业精神没的说,但是就一个问题,他说话满嘴"中国饺子味"您会录用他吗?我想大多数人都会。一年后,您需要一个Team leader, 管理3-4个人,您会提升他吗?没问题。又过了一年,一个部门经理的职位空缺,这个经理职位管理上百人并需要和客户经常沟通,您还会用他吗?我想多数人都不会,因为职位越高就越需要沟通,越会被视为公司形象的代表。多数管理者会从实用的角度着想,既然这个人技术好,那就让他多去做不需要,或者只需要少量沟通的技术工作吧(这就是为什么很多人升不上去的真正原因)。如果我们自己都不会提升自己那么又怎么能苛求您的雇主提升您呢?我们又怎么能在那个技术比您差很多的白人同事得到经常的提升的时候把问题归咎于歧视呢?如果说公司歧视中国人,那您又该怎么解释那个在公司里游刃有余的CBC呢?


在三年的教学过程中我发现比方法更重要的是我们的心态,所以请允许我暂时抛开技术层面的东西而把我在这三年英语教学中发现的"中国人学习的弊端"与大家分享。 其实,中国人在学英语的过程中,首先应该解决的是"思想"上的六大障碍!


我们有一个叫Kathy的学员,她在两周前讲过她自己的经历。她先生是我们一年前的学员,每次和她推荐来上我的课,她就一副说辞,"如果花480元我能从Jerry那儿买一粒神奇的药片,让我吃了马上和他的英语一样好,我会立刻去买,但如果让我去学的话,我就一定不会再去了,因为这么多年,我用各种英语学习方法去努力过,但基本没效果,所以,我已经决定不再学英语了,我不是不相信Jerry,我只是不再相信我自己还能学好英语。" Kathy的想法是非常多的中国人学不好英语的最根本原因,也是我每次讲座花最长时间与大家探讨的,那就是一定不能丧失学英语的信心。其实Kathy在无意中走进我们的教室听课到一半的时候就决定报名了。 她说:"迄今为止,没有哪一种英语学习方法可以改变人的思想, 但Jerry的潜能英语改变了我根深蒂固的逃避心理,让我相信:中国人的英语是可以学好的!" 感谢您对"潜能英语"的信任和赞许,永远不要忘了,最大的敌人是你自己放弃的心理,在学英语的时候尤其是这样!


我发现很多朋友因为这个想法而使自己的英语突破之路变的很难。我们有一个学员叫宁,在多伦多的医院里做医疗器械的操作员已经7年了,在课上到一半的时候,有一天很高兴的过来跟我说,有一个仪器的名字,每次她说完了,病人都要说"Pardon", 搞得她很尴尬,旁边的西人同事非常好,一次又一次的纠正她,就是不成功,但今天,她用最新学到的发音,很轻易的就让病人听懂了,我觉得她说的非常有道理,"环境会有帮助,但第一,即使本地人愿意教我们,他们也无法一针见血的指出我们的问题,第二,即使别人每天都在你身边讲英语,但如果你没有刻意去学的话,仍然不会有很大提高,这个道理就像一个加拿大人即使在中国待很长时间,如果不去刻意的学中文,也是不可能就自动会说中文一样的浅显。"










我有时会大言不惭的说我相信我是最棒的英语老师。原因很简单,加拿大英语老师英语说的好,但是他们绝对不了解我们的痛苦,更不知道我们需要的是什么,这就是为什么ESL和LINC对中国人帮助不大。大多数中国英语老师绝对了解我们的痛苦,但是他们中的很多人自己还在痛苦之中。(Important questions and thoughts of mine: Why has Jerry, the author of this article, acquired sufficient capacity to help Chinese immigrants master the English language and culture, if most Chinese teachers of English in China, as well as all the Canadian teachers of ESL in Canada, still haven't, after all these long years? Because he was in the same boat with us Chinese immigrants? And how much would be the probability of his possessing the capacity truly? And he hasn't shown us any real example of his techniques, has he? Nonetheless, his system of English learning techniques should be well worth exploring.    --double_take)只有完全了解中国人英语症结所在并完全解决了这些问题的人才可能帮助我们真正快速提高。我坚信"潜能英语"是最科学的英语学习方法,因为它对症下药,解决的是我们交流最需要解决的问题 (Certainly English communication skills, both oral and written, are quite important. But, overall, the learning of the English language and culture is not all about gaining the fluency of communication in English, actually, on top of that, it should be also about acquiring the contents of the English language and culture along the way.    --double_take)。听着好像是我在做广告了,您怎么看都好,我的建议是,在下决心找到一种好的方法学好英语之前  (为什么一定要找到一种好的方法以后才开始学?为什么不可以一边学一边找?不管有没有找到,先学起来再说。找到了更好的方法,就采用;没找到,就继续用自己多年进化形成的目前这套方法。    --double_take) 仍然是问自己一个问题,我为什么学英语,如果是为了拿分数过考试,那我劝您考虑新东方,他们的课程就是为了拿高分设计的,而且有多年的经验,当然十分有效。 如果您想提高自己的英语交流能力从而提高在北美的生活质量,给自己和自己的家庭一个幸福的北美生活,请您在您身边或者网上找到一些学习过"潜能英语"的同胞,问问他们的意见,同时也真诚的邀请您来维多利亚亲身体验一下。


- Copied from http://www.viccollege.ca/data/2008/0514/article_3112.htm in around 2008

- Recycled in 2010


A tactless little poem of mine:


It is strange a place so cold
Is such a popular asylum
Don't people have apprehension
For coming to a new world


Staccato illegal immigrants
Keep arriving ashore
They are young mostly
And want to expend their

Better part of life in this
Foreign and white asylum
After having broken out
Of the familiarized past



Muddy boots ongoing
Crummy wheels en route
Cruddy streets close
Mountainous white afar

Indignant birds fly around
Gentle marshals ride along
Belief in truth curtly tips
Approximation of justice seeps

Reality checks and modulates
Azure inspires and balances
Cynicism wreaks encores
Rapture treks up shrubberies

Friday, November 5, 2010

Video - Exciting innovation - Vocaloid Hatsune Miku, the world's virtual diva

(You can toggle the "CC" button on the screen for closed captions in English.)

Exciting stuff is happening. Innovations know no bounds. And Japanese' technological R&D prowess is scarcely fathomable.

English learning - James Patterson's fictions

I came across a revealing article "James Patterson Inc." the other month at The New York Times. Well, we can suppose that most writers who dream to approximate their literary aspirations do invariably fail to achieve that, can't we? Capability of appreciating art and that of creating art are two different things. It seems that only commercial mass market authors succeed plausibly nowadays. And James Patterson is one luminous example of that.

Mr. Patterson created his own unique brass ring and his enormous fan base has unwavering rapport with him. And as an author churning out the likes of detective novels, boy, rabid is he, and rapid is he. What a man!

Personally I did try out a couple of his fictions. And they were mostly good for sheer entertainment, but not for enlightenment, which was what I looked for in books for the most part. So I quit on him.

However, if you are a budding English learner, James Patterson's stories can be suitable ushers, because their language is relatively accessible and the spinning of the yarns fairly gripping.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


In the cinema and between flicks
They parted and drifted into the
Ludicrously dull Montreal winter
With tectonic shift happening


Yellow sands crowd into a dead dune
Carrying their unceasing yearning all the way
The silent winds can't bring them here
Without their own red eye for a golden dune

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lands have delicious foods and drinks

Seven is the approximate number of the countries whose names have a "land" in them.

Scotland has fine atmospheric whiskeys, which taste bracingly delicious on the rocks. England has "Newcastle" brown ale (Admonition: Don't drink too much of it, because beer gut is not an urban myth). And, Netherlands has "Heineken" lager. Thailand Thai cuisine. Switzerland cheeses.

Then what tasty stuff do Finland and Iceland have? I have no idea yet.

From choppy oceans

When it was dark
The sea pushed many waves toward the far shoreline
When the daylight arrived
The water mass flowed with only minor wrinkles

And seagulls flew in their ranges

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Article via web - 從「韓流」談韓國人學英文

(Image from http://bit.ly/dfsMJX)

Low levels of English proficiency among the citizens are the weak link in the chain of South Korea, as well as China, Japan and the likes. That is a deep pain which has perpetuated in myriad minds of Eastern Asians.

At the same time, the potential side effects of the worldwide sweeping wave of English learning may need to be addressed and mitigated before long. For one thing, the being of many Western young males teaching English overseas with an eye to local girls and a nudge and a wink has wreaked resentment among some nationalists in China and South Korea.

And, this article is approximately the best one that I've ever seen describing the globalization efforts invested by South Korea: 從「韓流」談韓國人學英文. OMG. Below are some excerpts:

為了貫徹「溝通式教學法」,韓國教育部於2001年公佈新政策,規定各級學校英語課上課全部得用英語(Teaching English through English),不過多半韓籍英文老師卻無法達成這項「不可能的任務」,有的大學為了獎勵教授用英語授課,甚至以額外津貼誘之,不過效果不彰[1]。在韓國教育部出版的English Education Curriculum Interpretation手冊中檢討英語教育的成效時,不得不承認理想與實際仍有一段距離:"Korea's English education does not teach English words first but has wasted too much time teaching knowledge of the English language through letters from the elementary level. Teachers cannot teach English classes in English because they lack the ability to speak the language."
在美國Florida University任教的韓籍博士班研究生Jimmy Lee於個人網站"Is Teaching English Through English Possible in Korean Public High Schools?"一文中,檢討政府在高中實施這項新政的困難時,歸納出以下三點原因:
一、 韓國家長及學生都不相信現有的英文老師有能力以英語授課,他們認為只有英語為母語的老師能在課堂上以流利的英語授課。 
二、 韓國的英文老師多半是受傳統的「文法翻譯教學法」訓練出身,對用流利英語互動式的教學方法十分陌生,也無能為力。 
三、 高中教育的終極目的在於將每位高中生送進大學,學生期待在課堂上習得英語考試「得高分」的技巧,所以寧願花時間在閱讀能力的增進及文法能力的加強,而不願浪費時間練習會話。 
 厚植全民英文能力本非易事,遭遇困難也在所難免,不過韓國人行事作風向來就憑一股衝勁,學英文也不例外。為了提升韓國人的英文能力,以便早日與世界接軌,政府和民間無不卯足了勁,花下大把銀子。既然要求本國英文老師用英文授課的成效不彰,韓國教育部的權宜之計,即招募「以英語為母語」的老師來韓國教小學生英文,這個計畫後來因為90年代末期韓國的經濟危機而沈寂一時。但從2003年起,其教育部又開始大舉聘用英文為母語的老師加入英語教學行列。除此之外,漢城國立大學教授Lee Sang-eok也建議政府徵召英語系的韓裔美僑歸國,接受短期韓文訓練後立刻披掛上陣,派往各級學校教授英文。不過許多韓裔老師雖說得一口漂亮的英文,卻因外型與韓國人相同,每每遭到與西方人不平等的待遇。有位韓裔老師在網上Korean Job Discussion Forums-Ethnic Koreans not as desirable?大罵祖國公民是「種族主義者」之後,發出不平之鳴"I wish people did realize we speak English with the same proficiency as non-Asians!"。另一位在韓國教了四年英文,也是韓裔美籍的網友則以另一個角度解釋道:「學生家長是希望孩子能在學外語之餘也學習外國文化,他們希望自己的孩子能『看』到外國人,讓孩子知道除了韓國人外,世界上還有其他人種。」 
即使韓裔老師咋有怨言,但因為市場需要,所以韓裔的外籍老師還是絡繹於途。除了積極聘請外籍老師任教外,企業界和政府更攜手在國內廣設英語學習村(English Village),學生只要進入其中就得說英文。課程則由外籍老師給予學生密集式的英語訓練,以減少每年假期學生短期出國學習英文的外匯支出。另外,更有人建議大學入學除了現有的入學考試門檻外,還應給予通過TOEFL和TOEIC的考生額外加分,不過這個建議韓國政府尚未付諸行動。
除了學童外,成人學習英文的風氣也十分鼎盛,主要原因是私人機構要求新聘用的人員皆得通過Test of English for International Communication和Test of English as a Foreign Language兩項英語測驗。一部描寫韓國人瘋狂學英文現象的電影Please Teach Me English《英語完全征服》,在網路上也引起各國網友熱烈地討論。片中描述韓國各行各業都因不同程度的需要,不得不發憤學英文,連在公家機關上班的小職員Na Young-joo也不例外,她因偶然一次面對外國人辦理稅務而不知所云的尷尬場面,不得不報名以外籍老師授課為號召的英文補習班,努力消彌語言能力不足所帶來的挫折感。在課堂上她遇到與她有著同樣困擾的社會人士:有無法與外國乘客交談的計程車司機、有在外商公司因英語不流利而遭排擠的職員、也有想交洋妞的小伙子......等全都集聚一堂,大家跟著一位金髮碧眼的外國老師Cathy學英語會話,可惜這位老師只會說英語而不懂英語教學法,更不瞭解成人學英語易受挫折的心理,因此也鬧出許多學生抗議的笑話。最後電影劇情雖偏離學習英語的主題,但觀眾對韓國人學英語的狂熱,無不印象深刻。